Star Wars Cityscape

Also back in December 2021, I posted a video featuring some TIE bombers attacking a city. Today we’re going to look at that city.

Lot more pictures below the page break.

Not sure how ‘Star Warsy’ it really is. I think I based some of images from films and TV series. At least one based on a Tarisian skyscraper I created a few years earlier.

There’s no really design to the city, except in that in needed to look good when looking straight down on it. That said, the idea when building it was you’d have the central admin building with buildings spreading out from all sides, with taller ones near to the center and smaller ones towards the outside. Along with that, there was in the northwest a collection much the taller skyscrapers. The idea of them was some expansion to the city which originally may have been separate, but over the years has become engulfed as the two areas expanded.

I also used some of the buildings in my Manka armoured transport video.

Central Admin – the heart of the city.

Some skyscrapers.

Some medium sized buildings. These are the bulk of the buildings that made up the city. There are some more variants, where I swapped the tops around on a few, but these are a fair sample.

Finally, some low rise buildings to round it all out.

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